Native Professionals from All Over the World

Article for those who want to know in three minutes what are the cornerstones of an international contact center's everyday work

As the old wisdom says, we cannot make a first impression twice. Why would it be different in the field of customer support services? For customers, a contact center is the real face of a company by which they judge any brands, products and services. During a BPO - business process outsourcing - collaboration, our employees will be the ones who are identified with our partners, so United Call Centers works with extremely talented, experienced colleagues who speak several languages ​​at a native level. Of course it’s only the first step on the road to high quality services.

Why language skills are that important in contact centers?

When communicating with our partners ’customers, it’s a basic expectation that anyone who contacts us with any questions should feel comfortable during the conversation. One of the most important conditions for this that there should be no language barriers in communication, whether it is inbound or outbound customer service. The fact that we use the self-styled „at-home model” for long years, we can work with potentially anyone and anytime from anywhere in the world, what makes our life much more easier. So if our client is looking for a contact center provider in any country in the world, we are probably already there - or we can be potentially there.

The law of large numbers also applies in the BPO customer service sector: with a larger, even global talent pool, it’s much easier to find colleagues who can be our ideal employees for any campaign. This is especially true when it comes to areas where special language or expertise is required. Without language barriers, with the same cultural background, communication is much easier, so the customer who contacts us has a good chance of getting any questions answered during the first call – and next time they’ll contact us again with an earlier positive experience. This is largely due to the linguistic, cultural and professional knowledge of our staff, as they are connected to the client on several levels, speaking one language both literally and figuratively, which is one of the cornerstones of an outstanding client experience.

However, a common language and culture alone does not guarantee a high quality contact center service. A friendly, helpful attitude and a solution and customer-oriented approach are extremely important for the operators' work.

Talent management at United Call Centers

In the contact center industry, especially in the field of sales mere language skills are not enough, therefore we support and develop the skills of our employees with systematic soft skill trainings. We create personalized individual development plans that are based on the personality traits of the operator, highlighting their strengths so they can get to know themselves better and the customers who turn to us. Our soft skill trainings are implemented within the framework of our self-developed internal program, the United Standard of Excellence (USE). In addition to sales training, the programs also include modules on information security, support for working from home, corporate approach and code of ethics.

There are many opportunities for talented employees in a telecommuting contact center. The services of United Call Centers are now available in all major world languages ​​and in many exotic dialects. The opportunity is open to anyone, who has broadband internet access and a computer. Thanks to the at home model, we can save a lot of time and energy that we would otherwise spend on commuting. If we can work from anywhere in the world, it doesn’t really matter from where we enter a cloud-based system.

Let's create value together!

United Call Centers provides high-quality customer support, telesales and technical support solutions. Our goal is to increase the competitiveness, awareness and recognition of our partners in the domestic and international market. In addition to the traditional telephone contact center services, we provide our clients with the latest digital solutions, chatbot and LiveChat technologies or social media marketing. And when we combine the new technologies with twenty years of experience, the result will be a cost-effective, optimized, flexibly scalable service and successful collaboration to all parties.


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