Chatbot Support

Thanks to the development of technology and artificial intelligence, the world of customer service now can be accessed not only by telephone for administration, ordering, or troubleshooting, but also by multichannel functions. These are the email, webchat, text messaging, social media, video chat, and chatbot options, which allow companies to communicate with users on multiple platforms, even at the same time, fully automated. Platform applications have now completely changed the connection between users and Internet services, thanks to intelligent and modern chat technology. The most common and modern form of this new generation communication style is the chatbots in a corporate environment.

What Are Chatbots?

Chatbots are applications that use Messenger and Viber platforms as a chat interface and can be used to create an automated chat process with customers, partners, acquaintances, and users. The system, coupled with artificial intelligence, creates the feeling that two users are talking, making the communication process user-friendly.

UCC Chatbot Services

With its innovative solutions, United Call Centers offers chatbot services to its existing and future partners, who can thus significantly improve their customer service performance and time. Because the “More Than Business” principle is important to us, we use and improve the chatbots we build in a wide range of areas. We are constantly expanding our knowledge base, using new trends and features. Whether it is brand building, ordering, service description, product presentation, or e-commerce, UCC's comprehensive solutions flexibly and dynamically handle the development of these interfaces on a professional level, both in domestic and international environments.

Why Chatbots?

UCC Chatbots are built with a proper, precise structure and are able to provide immediate information, inform the users, provide customer service, request a proposal, process sales, and save money and time in a global, 24/7 solution. If the interface is unable to respond to a user, it will immediately forward the message to the UCC team of experts, who will handle the processes in the best way.

We also continuously use chatbots within our own company, thus utilizing our creative thinking and maximizing opportunities. As a family-friendly workplace, under the influence of plastic-free July, we initiated an internal community game, raising awareness about environmental protection, and on the occasion of Christmas, we decided to create UCC’s own fairy tale for children who can’t spend the holidays with their parents. This is how E-Tale (E-Mese) was born, closely aligned with our Fairy Tale Call Center project.

Are you interested?

Contact us and request a quote to optimize your marketing and sales processes with UCC Chatbot Solutions!